Behind The Ear (BTE) Hearing Aids

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product behind the ear hearing aid

Behind the ear hearing aids are usually larger in size than RIC models, however this is usually because these devices take larger batteries and electronic components so they can produce more gain & output for severe hearing loss.

The primary difference between these devices and the RIC models is that in the BTE models the Receiver (speaker) is situated within the hearing aid device, therefore a hook is attached to the hearing aid with a tube that leads to a custom made mould to deliver the sound to the patient’s ear drum. These Models sit snugly over the ear, and can be adapted to many different types of situations and are flexible when it comes to hearing loss.

All Discount Hearing Australia’s prices include a hearing test, hearing aid fitting and a year of follow up appointments. Call us today on 1300 139 000. You can view our popular behind the ear (BTE) range of hearing aids below.

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